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Di's Healing Room

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Energetic Healing incorporating Deep relaxation, Chakra cleansing and balancing, Crystal therapy, One on one meditation. Walk out relaxed, free and at peace, at an exceptionally low price.

Life can be crazy. Most of us are busy people with more on our plates than we can calmly manage. This kind of pace and the associated stress can result in our chakras becoming stressed and blocked and anxiety taking us over. As a result there is a negative effect on our organs, and we end up in negative emotional states often feeling sick, tired, stressed and sometimes depressed.

By unblocking and rebalancing the charka points the effect is uplifting and often immediate.

Combined with crystal therapy, negative emotions can fall away and dysfunctional mental and emotional patterns released.

Crystal therapy involves the laying of crystals along the body. Most of my clients experience a “freeing” feeling during these sessions and become very deeply relaxed.

The power of crystals has been recognised and revered since the dawning of civilization. Today, we are again recognising and accepting the benefits of this ancient art of healing.

Meditation too is now accepted globally as a necessity for balance in our lives so that we can relax and unwind and feel better. Apart from the chakra rebalancing and crystal therapy I offer personalized one on one meditation sessions.

We all want to feel calm and well and we’re all striving to find our own divinity. That place within us that is centred, calm and real and these therapies offer you that opportunity.

Energetic Healing incorporating:

  • Deep relaxation
  • Chakra cleansing and balancing
  • Crystal therapy
  • One on one meditation

Prices are only $50 for a one hour session or a package of 6 sessions is only $250, giving you one full session for free.



Dianne Maujean is certified in the following:

Professional Spiritual Healing
Results Coaching
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)

Dandaloo St
Bayview Heights, QLD 4868
Di's Healing Room
Phone (04) 0740 4515
Listed in category:
Added: 9 June 2009 10:03am
Last Edited: 9 June 2009 10:03am
Di's Healing Room
Di's Healing RoomDi's Healing Room
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