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Showing events that fall on 27 June 2014
Play by Stephen Carleton ... Memory can be a real drag. Russell's ghosts were kind of at rest. He was at peace with it all; his mother disappearing when he was eight, being raised by Neville - a stalwart of the semi-racist no-nonsense Regional Right. Not knowing who his biological father was. ... It's Darwin, 2001, and Russell and his partne...
Hi, I'm Peta and I'm walking from Cairns to Cape York to raise $10 000 for Jog for Jugs, a charity I created three years ago that support NCBF and BCNA. ... It's 30 days. 30 - 45km a day and 1000km to the tip. ... The footwork begins this June and I'm calling for any support crew/drivers who would like to join me, see some sights and perhaps cheer...