Dining in Cairns - Picture Tour

Dining in Cairns

Cairns is nestled between two of the most amazing farming spots in the world. To one side there is the rolling green hills of the Cairns Hinterland which is stocked with fat cattle, dairy farms, tropical fruit farms, wineries and more. To the other side is the Great Barrier Reef and the Pacific Ocean home to an array of delicious fish and crustaceans. This means that Cairns restaurants and cafes have an abundance of fresh produce to choose from.

While visiting Cairns take a punt and try a delicious Kangaroo steak or grab a Crocodile burger. You can't leave Tropical North Queensland without trying some Barramundi either. Restaurants aren't just limited to Modern Australian as you will also find great Seafood restaurants, Indian, Japanese, Italian, Thai and so much more.

Dining in Cairns

Image courtesy Tourism Tropical North Queensland