Map of Cairns to Cooktown

Map of Cairns to Cooktown

Travelling between Cairns and Cooktown, whether you go by the inland road or the coastal road, you are going to pass through some lovely, small north Queensland towns. Though the destination is enticing enough, try to stop along the way for a cuppa or a bite to eat to appreciate these friendly, relaxed little towns. Who knows, you may just decide to stay a little longer.

Locations around on this map include; Cooktown, Laura, Daintree, Mossman, Port Douglas, Palm Cove, Clifton Beach, Trinity Beach, Yorkey's Knob, Kuranda, Mt Molloy, Mareeba, Gordonvale, Chillagoe, Atherton, Herberton, Malanda, Ravenshoe, Mount Garnet and Innisfail.

National Parks and natural attractions in the area include the Great Barrier Reef, Lizard Island, Cape Tribulation National Park, Daintree National Park, Barron Gorge, Mungana Caves, Undara National Park and Palmerston National Park.

Map showing from Cairns to Cooktown

Map of Cairns to Cooktown, Queensland Tourism

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